Am I You Album

Will C.

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Am I You Album

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When you begin this album you are on the ground. You're in the Willderness, on the surface of the Earth. Walking on leaves, strolling the summer sand, wading in water. But at some point, and perhaps sooner than you feel prepared for, you begin to float; rising up to the atmosphere and Beyond Supermoon.

Now, as the person who made this music, I

When you begin this album you are on the ground. You're in the Willderness, on the surface of the Earth. Walking on leaves, strolling the summer sand, wading in water. But at some point, and perhaps sooner than you feel prepared for, you begin to float; rising up to the atmosphere and Beyond Supermoon.

Now, as the person who made this music, I don't know if this is supposed to feel euphoric or terrifying for you - this journey further than we've ever voyaged, from the nature we love and gleam nourishment from, to the unexplored vastness of the cosmos. But I promise you, if you still allow yourself the sacred music listening space of playing an album with headphones in the dark, you will go many places.

All things must come to an end, and I promise I'll get you back safe. After all, it's either we Stick The Landing Or Wave Goodbye.

All songs written, produced, mixed, and mastered by W. Curley for We Could Win (ASCAP)

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    Take Flight - Home Recording

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    Knitted Rotations

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    Beyond Supermoon

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    Unfathomable Distances

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    Oh Actually Space Is Scary

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    Thinking We Might Not Make It

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    New Big Endings

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    We Can Hide Out Here

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    Last Ditch Effort To Not Die In Space

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  11. 11
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    Re-Entering Our Precious Atmosphere

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  12. 12
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    Stick The Landing Or Wave Goodbye

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